about forever africa lifestyle
We will become the most innovative,
route-to-market beverage partner with service delivery and strategic solutions at our core.
To provide a platform for African dreams to prosper
To provide the beverage industry with innovative, tailormade solutions.

FOREVER AFRICA lifestyle is A proudly south african , innovation-centric company.
The germination of 'Forever Africa Lifestyle’ began with two businessmen from different sectors, a friendship forged through the search for a perfect beer.

After a trip to Hong Kong, they were inspired by how the locals supported the local SME’s in the region. The drive of community comradery inspired their desire to create a lifestyle brand that showcased and supported local SME’s products in Africa.
South Africa has incredibly diverse products and stories that deserve to be shared with the world, and action was needed to reignite the “local is lekker” flame. A team was tasked to pioneer this endeavour, and in August 2019 ‘Forever Africa Lifestyle’ officially launched its first product.
FAL gathered tremendous momentum concentrating on a distribution service for a small micro-brewery until March 2020 when Covid-19 hit the world and lockdown began. Businesses were/are collapsing everywhere, and they were faced with something unforeseen. They knew that they had a team, much like other local SME’s out there, that relied on them.
Something more needed to be done to promote, and support local entrepreneurs while inspiring others to become one themselves It was decided that ‘FAL’ would use an online platform to help local entrepreneurs to sell their products and tell their story.
An opportunity to provide a voice that encompasses the product and promotes local talent is essential for the revival of our economy. In true South African nature, came an opportunity to innovate and adapt to the new world.
We're passionate about providing an ethical and inspirational service to our partners and customers, centralising around one of our core beliefs of togetherness.
the rhino is a symbol of togetherness, peacefulness, steadiness and power. That's why he's our mascot.
After 32 years in the sales industry, Sharon decided that it was time to focus on people and small business entities which needed a voice and a ‘leg-up’ in promoting themselves and their products.
Her sales history ranges from the hospitality industry products, through consumables and finally apparel and footwear. The greatest achievement was assisting in successfully launching a well know sports brand into the South African market.
What do I love about Africa? // The diverse culture and its people. No matter how tough the going gets, everyone always pulls together to support each another.
My superpowers? // The ‘Leo’ starsign defines that she is a ‘people's person’. Engaging with and forming relationships with people is one of her strong points. She is also not the type of person to mess with superlatives, she says it as it is and moves on. There is no time to sugar-coat.
What motivated you into taking the step into the unknown and becoming an entrepreneur? // There is something special about taking an idea from an embryo stage and watching and nurturing it into a successful entity. Knowing that you are a part of that beautiful process is very rewarding and satisfying.
A.K.A the “ops” guy is at the rightful age of 21. Murray is in his final year of completing his B.Bus.Sci majoring in Economics from The University Of Cape Town. During this period, he has dabbled in the field of waitering, school-level sports coaching and generally keeping himself busy around the clock. In the middle of 2019, the concept of creating Forever Africa Lifestyle became a reality and officially launched in August 2019. From delivering parcels in his personal car to running the books, Murray has done it all in Forever Africa Lifestyle. He has always wanted to help in whichever way he can towards those who are less fortunate than him. This care and compassion are what drive him to never stop until things are where they need to be.
What do I love about Africa? // Africa is joyful, it screams excitement and enthusiasm. For many years African countries have dealt with events that are inhumane but still come out smiling and with that constant desire to be happy and joyful. That takes determination and grit.
What are my superpowers? // He is a ‘Jack of all trades and master of none’, however, this is what adds to his passion; to see all things through from start to finish, no matter how hard the journey. Incorporated within this is his business to practicality mindset and his ability at multitasking.
What motivated you into taking the step into the unknown and becoming an entrepreneur. // I love the dark, I love going into the unknown and taking a chance on something that I can associate with and carry close to my heart. The sheer passion of it all drives him.
Grant has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and English and a postgraduate in English Studies. During his course, he worked as a bartender and sales rep in various industries as well as aiding in the gathering and digitalising of his grandfather’s research for UCT. He enjoys pushing his limits physically and mentally as there’s always something to learn and philosophise over.
What do you love about Africa? // The beauty of Africa is not only in her landscapes and people but in the indigenous fauna and flora of Africa, now more than ever does that beauty need to be protected. Growing up around a family of conservationists meant the majority of his childhood was spent in South Africa’s wetlands and grasslands collecting specimens for research.
My superpower? // Well, not a superpower, but the ability to overthink and over analyse.
What motivated you into taking the step into the unknown and becoming an entrepreneur? // The fear of mediocrity. My main motivating factor behind this leap is to build something of sustenance that will allow others to prosper from it.